Our services.
Student Programs
Student programming consists of a three-part series focused on early elementary students, K-2, leveled for each grade. This program is based on the foundational principles of empathy and advocacy, with basic knowledge reiterated and progressively developed through each successive session.
Teacher Programs
Teacher programming consists of a two-part series geared towards teachers of elementary students. This program will train teachers on the practical aspects of identification and management of allergies and asthma health conditions. Teachers will receive hands-on training for how to respond to allergic reactions, anaphylaxis and asthma attacks.
Caregiver and Family Workshops
Family programming consists of a series of workshops geared to support the families of students impacted by allergies and/or asthma. Each workshop is customized based on the support needs and interests of each group of families, parents and/or caregivers that will be participating in the workshop.